I hope you're here because you don't want a basic life. You want a life of adventure and great love and as many miracles as possible. You want to know the deeper why of yourself and life. And maybe in this moment you just want feel better and you've exhausted your sweet self and all of your options too.
Hi. My name is Julie Harper. I have built a company, a brand, a global sisterhood, and I life that I can wholeheartedly say that I am more in love with every day. But it wasn't always this way. Not even close. When I went through my divorce 10 years ago, I had 5-year-old triplets, no job, no money, and a shitty apartment with no furniture that my best friend and her husband generously paid for.
Every night after I finally got my kids to sleep, I would sit in the middle of my furnitureless living room, eat bad Chinese food and sob until I feel asleep. I started working 60 + hours a week at a car dealership that I was not qualified to be working at. I was not emotionally, mentally or physically equipped to handle anything at the time, much less car dealership hours and culture. When I wasn't messing up some deal or asking another embarrassing question, I was crying in the bathroom. I experienced misogyny at its finest and was unofficially named the least successful person that had ever worked there.
Every Saturday night after work, I would walk depleted in the dark across the massive lot to my humiliating gold Dodge minivan that I hoped some morally corrupt person would feel inspired to steal while I was working. Both as a giant F U to my (ex)husband for making me drive it, and so that I could get some self-respect back.
Long story short, my life was shit. I had no plan, no child support, no signs of a promising career. I had just come out of the most physically, mentally and emotionally traumatic five years of my life and I was about to enter an equally traumatic five. I just didn't know it yet.
During the time immediately after my divorce, I was naive and vulnerable to terrible people. My creative works all failed to launch. I'd try to get ahead and someone would call wanting to repossess my car. Good times. Beyond having triplets and all that came with that, I was hospitalized a couple of times and almost died on my 37th birthday because no one noticed that my appendix was breathing death on multiple organs. Oddly enough, the one thing that I remember the most from that time, was that damn minivan that my sisters named ‘the golden turd.’
I've been homeless, on food stamps, I've endured abuse, and I've been dependent on men who don't deserve to be named. I have launched myself, crashed and then soared. I have cursed God and thanked Her. I've made some pretty fucking bold moves. I've learned to fight off fear and it's landed me in places, opportunities, and experiences that still blow my heart and mind. I've also learned everything the hardest ways possible so that you don't have to.
And belief. That's what got me here. That's what got you here too. Through all of it, the eternal me, the real me, knew that there was more and so do you. The eternal you is the one reading this, looking for her edge. Looking for possibility. Looking for her next move.
Deep down I knew that I was not my circumstances or my credit score, thank God, because it was too low to be recognized by modern day society. I didn't know the who, what, when, where, why or how, but I knew I was gonna make it. And the truth is, we can't know the who, what, when, where, why or how yet. That unfolds with a sustained belief + a blueprint - a method for the madness. That's what I'm offering.
All that to say, I've fought for this life of mine harder that I knew I could fight. Harder than I knew I would have to, so that I can show you how. So that I can give you a method for the madness. A blueprint for your breakthroughs. And tell you that it's never too late. You're never too old, or broke, or sad, or stuck, to turn it all around with a little belief and a little help.