Testimonial 1
"Who works with a life coach? I had never considered it, as I have been blessed to be a self-made woman with a solid career and a tribe of friends. But I had a wonderful partner for almost 15 years and when it imploded I found myself utterly lost, facing the ending of my marriage, the chance to have a family and possibly even the end of my career. The effects where devastating, while the trauma and my coping mechanisms from childhood all came to the surface - shit got real.
I was overwhelmed and felt truly broken and unloveable. After trying to take my own life, I somehow began fighting my way out of the darkness - therapy, shamanism, support groups, volunteering etc., but hit a wall and then I met Julie, a woman who just gets compassion. In working with her I have been exposed to nothing less than truth and kindness, which is all we really need. She's the real deal. And in the short-time I've worked with her I have released decades of garbage and made my way back to the real me.
I have found peace and even hope, and now know I've got this. Julie has reminded me to be authentically me because that is my superpower."
Tiffany // Executive Minneapolis
Testimonial 2
"Working with Julie has been life changing. I came to her when I was facing some challenges in my relationship with my husband, with whom I am also running a successful but demanding business. After speaking with Julie only briefly, I knew that working with her would be well worth my time. And indeed, it was.
Julie not only helped me work through the issues that I came to her about, but she also helped me with a whole host of others, including my pandemic-induced social anxiety and the stress of juggling parenting and working during a pandemic.
Julie gave me very specific and practical tips for how to let go of things that don't matter, and to focus on the things that do. Every session was enlightening and ended with a homework assignment that was bite-sized but meaningful. I learned so much about myself, and the little, easy things I can do every day to make myself and everyone around me a bit more calm and content. Truly, she worked some magic.
My husband is as grateful to Julie as I am, even though he has never met her! I cannot recommend Julie highly enough. She's that super cool, funny girlfriend who will listen to you and make you feel heard and understood, but not let you get away with continuing the self-defeating behaviors that led you to her in the first place. This is what everyone needs!"
Jennifer // Founder & CEO San Francisco
Testimonial 3
"Truth + Love + Light. These are the three things that Julie breathes into you every time you meet with her. I had been introduced to Julie through mutual friends and naturally started following her on social media. Her words always touched my heart and ironically happened to be exactly what I needed to hear at the time. When my marriage fell apart I was lost. It was a dark, lonely and scary place that I never thought I’d be able to escape from. After a long and tearful wine date with a girlfriend she said, 'you should reach out to Julie, you know this is her specialty right?'
Until that moment I didn’t know that Julie was a life coach, with extensive experience helping women going through relationship endings and divorce. I immediately contacted her. It was one of the best decisions I've made.
From our first session I felt an immediate change in myself. I was able to really process through the spiral that led to filing for divorce as well as all of the grief, anger, sadness and reckless decisions that followed. Julie helped me return to myself. She believed in me when I was unable to believe in myself. She was the physical being that I could reach out to and feel safe telling all of my mess to without judgment. Julie shined her light in all the dark places of my life and helped me figure out how to put the pieces back together and step into the best version of myself.
I am forever grateful to her. She is a true gem and when she speaks I listen because her words are truth. I have a renewed confidence, trust and belief in myself and Julie was a huge part of helping me get there. More so than the therapist I had been working with for over a year (whom I’ve since stopped seeing). I would recommend working with Julie again and again."
Jessica // Founder & CEO Minneapolis